About Us



POL organization will stimulate innovation and host and strengthen different projects and capacities to fulfill their missions.



This will be accomplished through careful financial and relational partnerships with other donors and charities to see transformation in communities. We seek to advance clear and compelling positive changes that extend to all aspects of society, including both spiritual and social change.




We believe we need to live out our Christian faith with not just words, but actions.
We believe non-profit organizations can learn and collaborate with innovative business practices to achieve excellence.
We value organizational accountability and integrity.


Additional information

Path of Light is a Non- profit Organization with religious, cultural, and Charitable nature with no political affiliations. It maintains friendly relations with various sects and other religions and charities in Lebanon and the Arab world, seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To do charity work without discrimination.
  2. Promotes ethical and educational principles derived from the teachings of the Holy Bible.
  3. To produce religious, cultural and literary programs and publish them by Radio or other available mediums.
  4. To care for orphans. the elderly and the displaced, by supporting them financially and morally.

إن هذه الجمعية هي ذات طابع ديني وثقافي وخيري وليس لها صيغة سياسية او حزبية ولا تبغى الربح. هي تحافظ على علاقات ودية مع مختلف المذاهب والطوائف، والجمعيات الخيرية ألأخرى في لبنان والبلاد العربية، وتسعى لتحقيق ألأهداف ألتالية:

  1. ألقيام بالأعمال الخيرية في لبنان
  2. العمل على نشر المبادىء الأخلاقية والتربوية ألمستمدة من تعاليم الكتاب ألمقدس
  3. إخراج برامج دينية وثقافية وأدبية ونشرها بكافة الوسائل المسموعة وبواسطة تسجيلات الاذاعة
  4. العناية المادية والمعنوية بالأيتام والفقراء وكبار السن والمشردين ومساعدتهم بما يرفع من مستواهم الأخلاقي والإجتماعي.

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